You can encounter many different animals in the Tirakan countryside. In addition to domestic animals such as sheep, dogs and various types of cattle, you can find tree-rippers in the south of Hadewald, slime-hoppers in the swamps of the north or yellow tigers near the areas of the Ancatir.

There are countless breeds of dog spread across Tirakan. The most common ones are listed here. The representatives of the individual breeds differ in their values.

Horses are the most common means of transport on Tirakan after feet. The number of horse breeds is correspondingly diverse. There are the great warhorses of the knights and paladins, the swift enduring horses of the messenger riders and the graceful elegant horses of the noble ladies.

This butterfly becomes a real plague in the southern parts of Tirakan, particularly in Yadosien and Gasdaria, especially in the summer months. When it lands on the skin, it causes an unpleasant itch. It can happen that, especially at night, whole swarms attack livestock and Humans and make their lives miserable.

This butterfly is widespread on Tirakan. It can be found in almost every part of the country. It is said that Algor sees through it to every corner of the world.

The swarm eater is mainly native to the shallow regions of the large inland lake of Yavon. However, individual specimens can also be found in other areas of the long river. When fully grown, these fish reach a length of about one step. They are characterised by a green-brown striped upper side and a silvery underside. The tail fin is slightly rounded at the top.

An adult male lion can reach a good 1.5 steps in shoulder height when fully grown and its mouth is adorned with two powerful sabre teeth.

The hell taipan is a slender snake up to 3 steps long, dark brown, rarely olive green, in colour. It is found in the southern regions of Yadosia, through Al Bah JiRa to the lands of the O'Grut and the Ancatir.

A distinctly large, obese furry beast that moves on two legs. It can measure up to 4 steps in height, but is no less strongly built in width. A full-grown Zwarl weighs about 2 pounds.

The flying fish resembles a slender trout in appearance, with an iridescent silvery-white-blue colour. The flying fish is the only fish that spends its entire life in the air (not to be confused with the flying fish). It is mainly found in dense warm forests, where it moves in large shoals. Its food includes fruits, insects, beetles and some plants.

Kinstarchel are the name given to wild dwarf cattle in Hadewald. The largest specimens of this species rarely reach a shoulder height of more than 2 ells. The small, sturdy animals are silver-grey to pitch-black in colour and roam in herds through woods remote from people. Kinstarchels are always popular hunting targets. Because they are becoming increasingly rare, efforts have recently been made to domesticate kinstarchel. However, this has so far proved difficult, as the captured specimens often die of a strange disease after a few months.

These worms, up to three steps long, live in tunnels and pits mainly under the surface of Tirakan. Their mouths are peppered with sharp, long teeth. Although the worms are blind, they have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. Morgala leaders are known to use trained worms as mounts and in battle, and to use them to dig tunnels.

A full-grown animal measures about three steps long and weighs about five centners. Its strong legs make it an excellent climber and fast runner. The tree-ripper feeds mainly on small animals and carrion, but does not shy away from attacking other creatures in bad times. Basically, any creature smaller than itself is a possible addition to its diet.

The shape of a slimy hopper is most similar to that of a small bold, which moves stoutly and close to the ground. The name comes from the way it moves, the slime hopper moves with a hopping, almost staggering gait. Its dark body is covered with a slime that the slimehopper produces itself. The slime burns on the skin and causes a distinct reddening.

Hadidim lizards are large flying lizards with a wingspan of up to 2 steps. They feed mainly on fish, but are not averse to the odd seabird. Hadidim lizards are only found on the narrow coastal strip and at the lakes and oases of Al Bah JiRa. They rarely pose a threat to Humans, unless someone is foolish enough to try to steal the eggs of a hadidim mother from her nest.

The Dragsberg barn devils are probably the largest domestic cat species of Tirakan and originate from the duchy of Dragsberg in Asgoran. A Dragsberg barn devil grows 1 to 1.40 steps long. They have a 3-4 finger long fur of various colours, 2 and 3-coloured animals are the rule, and a long bushy tail.

Supposedly, if you believe those newfangled young scholars who study strange subjects like zoology, the three-horned rhinoceros is a relative of the elephant and the mammoth. But look at this animal! No trunk! The essential feature of the animals are the 3 horns. The front horn grows from the nasal bone, the middle and the rear horn from the fore skull.

Like the horse of the northern steppes, the striped horses populate the steppes of the barbarians. The colour of the body is divided into white and dark brown stripes, which give the striped horse its distinctive appearance.

The Nahrz'gu are herbivores found in the northern plains and forests. They reach a shoulder height of just under 1.7 steps and are a sturdy variety of aurochs. They have long shaggy fur and thick forward curved horns.

Mammoth refers to a genus of elephants that are widespread in the colder regions of Tirakan. The scholars under the young, slightly crazy zoologist Bernhard of Yavon assume that they evolved from a group of elephants via several intermediate forms that increasingly specialised in grass food and adapted to the cold.

Elephants are animals up to three steps tall that have a huge trunk instead of a nose. They are mainly found in the furless variety in the south, where they are used for transporting heavy loads and also as fighting elephants. Elephants are quite comfortable animals but absolutely deadly in stressful situations. In addition to their talent for carrying and riding, the few wild populations in some parts of the south are hunted.

This is an exceptionally large-bodied variety of the widely known common crow. Its home is the swamps in eastern Yadosia. Hikers travelling in this place should take care of their luggage, because it can easily happen that in a careless moment a marsh crow glides down from the sky, snatches it and carries it to its hiding place.

These nasty snakes inhabit the great desert of Al Bah JiRa. Mostly they lie hidden in the sand, where they lie in waiting for passing animals or even people. If an unfortunate person should come within reach of a lurking sand viper, he will see a scaly, horned abomination with a length of 2 steps and a thickness of 1 foot spring up seemingly out of nowhere and bite at him. The highly effective poison will kill him within four hours if he does not manage to get an antidote by then.

There are wolves everywhere in the temperate regions of Tirakan. These pack animals are usually reserved, and stay away from people. When cornered or threatened, they become aggressive and can also attack humans.

Far away from its cousin, the yellow tiger, the brown tiger lives in the highest north of Tirakan. What distinguishes it from all other tigers is its dark fur. Furthermore, it has enormous fangs, which are the largest in the realm of the big cats.

Sheep are mostly woolly farm animals, sometimes just over one step high. Their colour varies from white to grey to black. Besides the wool breeds, there are also breeds with less wool which are primarily bred for meat production.

This animal, which the scholars have classified in the family of the so-called hoofed animals (first mention in the old Codex Bestiarius in the first millenium before the new age) is related to the sheep, which is better known in the north. Recent research shows that the goat seems to have evolved from these sheep in the south of Tirakan (a thesis that is highly controversial, especially among the religious scholars).

The riding dragon is not a true dragon, merely a large flying lizard with a grained head. These rare animals can be trained to be faithful mounts if caught as young, or if a clutch of eggs is discovered and can be secured.

A disgusting snake species that occurs mainly on the east coast, around Lizard Island, where it has almost taken over the entire water landscape. It is about 3-6 steps long and has a light greenish glow. It has gills on its otherwise snake-like head, and its mouth is adorned with interlocking fangs.

This fish species is extremely rare, solitary and only found on the high seas. The body of this fish is strangely disc-shaped, with a diameter of up to two steps, and the fins are round. Its scales are light blue in colour, but almost transparent.

In the 7th century, the Gnomes also draw military attention to this strange bird that lives on small islands in the rocky sea. Its feathers are yellow and green and its beak is strangely crooked. The special thing about them is that when several of them are together and you whisper a word to one of them, all the other birds automatically repeat it to the person you are talking to.

The large cave spider is found in all areas of the central Tirakan. It reaches a height of 3 steps and, despite its weight, is extremely skilful at moving through passages.