Realms of Tirakan

Realms of Tirakan is a quick to play roleplaying game rulebook that can be used in any setting. All you need to play is a handful of regular six-sided dice and some paper.

Start now by taking a look at the rules or creating a character.
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Create Characters

This website lets you create and manage your characters as well as their equipment and possessions. This makes it really easy to use a platform like Roll20 for your sessions.

Create Characters

This website lets you create and manage your characters as well as their equipment and possessions. This makes it really easy to use a platform like Roll20 for your sessions.

Manage Campaigns

Create and manage your campaigns. Invite your friends to join and play with you. You can also add enemies and foes to your campaign to keep track of them. Dice rolls may be sent to discord.

Discover the world

Realms of Tirakan

The House of Dolls

Special Places

Somewhere in the dark forest, in the south of Toran, lies an old, decaying house. It doesn't matter in which century you visit this place, the house always looks equally destroyed and dilapidated. The wooden façade has large breaches, the shutters hang crookedly.


Realms of Tirakan



The shape of a slimy hopper is most similar to that of a small bold, which moves stoutly and close to the ground. The name comes from the way it moves, the slime hopper moves with a hopping, almost staggering gait. Its dark body is covered with a slime that the slimehopper produces itself. The slime burns on the skin and causes a distinct reddening.


Realms of Tirakan

Dragsberg Barn Devil


The Dragsberg barn devils are probably the largest domestic cat species of Tirakan and originate from the duchy of Dragsberg in Asgoran. A Dragsberg barn devil grows 1 to 1.40 steps long. They have a 3-4 finger long fur of various colours, 2 and 3-coloured animals are the rule, and a long bushy tail.
