
Gasdaria is an empire with a strong caste system. The country, which is rich in resources such as gold and exotic fruits, is led by a ruling caste. Gasdaria is the first empire to be invaded by the minotaurs on their northward march. As early as the 3rd century, most of the land is considered destroyed. The population is enslaved under the hooves, and all contact with northern realms has been severed.

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Gasdaria Gasdaria

Gasdaria is an empire with a strong caste system. The country, which is rich in resources such as gold and exotic fruits, is led by a ruling caste. Gasdaria is the first empire to be invaded by the minotaurs on their northward march. As early as the 3rd century, most of the land is considered destroyed. The population is enslaved under the hooves, and all contact with northern realms has been severed.

The geography of Gasdaria

Gasdaria is located in the central southeast of Tirakan and is known for its fertile lands. Magnificent olive groves line extensive orchards in the centre and east of the realm. The mighty Itzcotal River to the south carries southern waters deep into the land and its banks are known for their fertility. The east of the kingdom is marked by the swamps of Cuatomec, also the border to the land of the O'Grut. In the north, the mighty mountains of the Fraxut line the horizon.

Besides the capital Aslana in the centre of the country, there are also the towns of Huizita, Axyetal, Cuitaluc and the eastern port and trading town of Cula, which is known for its excellent pipe tobacco.

The inhabitants of Gasdaria have a slightly brownish skin colour, mostly painted in gold and silver tones. They wear particularly ornate garments with gold leaf and silver ornaments that reveal their status and profession. The long, black hair of the women is often pinned up in complicated hairdos, the men prefer short cuts, unless they belong to the upper castes. The ruling caste, which unites with the priestly caste, is subordinate to the military, which is on a par with the citizen and peasant caste.

The history of Gasdaria

A new empire emerges (around 550 b. EC)

Around the year 550 b. EC, Tannech the Wise unites the previously quarrelling city states to form the empire of Gasdaria. The castes of the individual cities unite and the Golden Age begins.

Fertile Lands (250 b. EC)

Gasdaria has become the granary of the south. The farmers of the empire use special irrigation systems and every year the harvests seem to get bigger. In addition, gold of incredible purity is found in the mountains in the south of the country and mined on a large scale. Gasdaria's jewellery and exotic fruits are in demand throughout the north of the continent.

The Hadewald Raid (122 - 120 b. EC)

In a complete surprise, the new council leader of Hadewalds, Grimrosch Snækolson, attacks Gasdaria. Under protest, but restraint from the other kingdoms, Grimrosch reaches out his greedy fingers to Gasdaria. The confident king vastly underestimates the Gasdarian military and finally has to admit defeat after a bloody two-year war.

A land of plenty (4 EC - 50 EC)

After centuries of peace and prosperity, the Gasdarians are considered spoiled and oversaturated. Under the leadership of Cachola the Third, things finally come to a head when Gasdaria abruptly raises tariffs on exported goods. Asgoran, Toran and Yadosia break off all trade ties in protest. It was not until forty years later, under Mocztekuma the Negotiator, that trade relations were normalised.

Minotaurs! (230 EC)

Over the years, the reputation of the "lazy Gasdarians" has become more entrenched and Gasdaria's relations with the other kings reach a new low under Acthela the Second. This explains why, when in 230 the Minotaurs marched on Gasdaria, no other kingdom stood by the Gasdarians. For five years the golden people fought bravely against the armies of the bull, but finally they are defeated in the battle of Aktuhl. Secretly, some of the other kingdoms believed that the threat of the Bulls would not be so great, and they grudged the Gasdarians their defeat - a fatal mistake.

An Empire Dying (295 EC)

Gasdaria, or what it once was, lies in ruins. All able-bodied men work in the mines and fields of the minotaurs, the rest of the population surviving in part in the remains of the cities or as marauding bands. The plague has infested some parts of the north-east and the only town still intact is the port of Cula, firmly in the hands of the bulls.

The Last Stand (375 EC)

In the ruined city of Huizita, Gasdaria's last resistance fighters gather and face a lizard army. There are no survivors of this three-day battle on Gasdaria's side, but unholy screams are reported. By all accounts, the resisters hacked each other to pieces during those three days under the influence of the lizards. Since then, the city has been considered cursed and haunted by smoke-seeking souls.

Life under the occupation

Since the occupation of the Minotaurs, the once mighty Gasdaria has crumbled to ruins. Over the centuries, the few men of defence organise a hard-hitting resistance, spread across the whole country, strengthened in more northerly regions. A group of probably 300 men, who call themselves the Astaahzi, is considered particularly successful. Agents and scouts from the other kingdoms also quickly find their way into the land of ruins. Gasdaria is increasingly becoming a haven of information about minotaur activities. The lizard army in particular tries to put an end to the northern infiltrations and the resistors, but despite the bloodiest punitive actions, their efforts remain crowned with little success. The civilian population lives mainly in the ruins of the big cities or in small clans spread out in the rough hinterland. Old people, women and a few children dominate the picture. Especially the hinterland is a dangerous place these days. Robber barons and plunderers roam along the old trade routes and many a wanderer has lost his life for less than a piece of bread.

When they reach the age of 16, men of fortitude join the ranks of the slaves. Slowly but surely, the effects of this become apparent, and when the number of young people in Gasdaria reaches an alarming low, the minotaurs act. They dismiss thousands of young Gasdarians in the hope that they will provide new children in the long term. The young men do so immediately, but most of them join the growing resistance right after the work is done.

Law and politics in Gasdaria

Form of government

The government of Gasdaria, until the invasion of the bulls, formed a caste system. The ruling caste was reserved by birthright, except for isolated citizens who had rendered special service to the realm. Below the ruling caste are citizens, peasants and the military. After 8 years of schooling, every citizen of Gasdaria is free to choose a caste and the associated career path. After the invasion of the bulls, the law of the hoof applies, but this is mainly expressed in slave catchers and compulsory levies. Life in the towns is organised and administered mainly by the oldest women.

Legal system and jurisdiction

Each town of Gasdaria is assigned a free court, to which a panel of judges is assigned, who can be elected every year, with one representative from each caste. The Gasdarian legal system is considered harsh but fair. The death penalty is imposed only in the rarest of cases, for offences such as murder or serious theft. After the invasion of the bulls, the law of the fist and the law of the clan predominate.

Alliances and contacts

Gasdaria's ties with other kingdoms have always been considered shaky and based primarily on Gasdaria's wealth. Many kingdoms are at times envious and resentful of Gasdaria.

Trade in Gasdaria

Gasdaria lives from the indispensable foreign trade with the other kingdoms. The exotic fruits of the land, as well as the pure gold of its mines, are popular throughout northern Tirakan and fetch the highest prices on the markets.