Realms of Tirakan

Realms of Tirakan is a quick to play roleplaying game rulebook that can be used in any setting. All you need to play is a handful of regular six-sided dice and some paper.

Start now by taking a look at the rules or creating a character.
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Create Characters

This website lets you create and manage your characters as well as their equipment and possessions. This makes it really easy to use a platform like Roll20 for your sessions.

Create Characters

This website lets you create and manage your characters as well as their equipment and possessions. This makes it really easy to use a platform like Roll20 for your sessions.

Manage Campaigns

Create and manage your campaigns. Invite your friends to join and play with you. You can also add enemies and foes to your campaign to keep track of them. Dice rolls may be sent to discord.

Discover the world

Realms of Tirakan



Gas'Danir is considered by the other realms of Tirakan to be a loose community of pirates, buccaneers and other riffraff. Situated in the middle of the Rock Sea, the island is home to three larger towns and many small settlements. Although Gas'Danir does not have a good reputation, there is a social structure on the island.


Realms of Tirakan


Flora and fauna

Everywhere on Tirakan you can find different plants. Partly they are used as crops, but partly poisonous and medicinal plants can be found here.


Realms of Tirakan

Valley of Oblivion

Special Places

The Valley of Oblivion lies in the northwest of Meridian near the ancient city of Re south of the Atiarel mountains. The origin of the area is obscure, elven legends report that it was created in the time of war and the fall of Re. Other sources claim it was created by the Atiarel or even Tar himself to protect the Atiarel during the stasis of their leader.
