Jerôme Dubois

Yadosia - Boxer, Paladin

Persona Dice
Physis Dice
Knowledge Dice
Skills Dice
Skills Dice




On Body
Action Dice Notes Cap. Range
Evade Movement
Dash Talent

Whenever the character uses the "Run" action in combat, he may make an acrobatic throw to advance further meters. If this roll succeeds, he may move further than his running range according to the successes.

If the roll is unsuccessful, the character stumbles and is considered to be prone. He must spend one action to get back on his feet or into the Hunkered stance.

Walk Movement You can perform an action while walking. The minimum roll for this action is raised by 1. 5 Meter
Run Movement You can't perform an action while running. 9 Meter
Crawl Movement Crawling is only possible while hunkered. 3 Meter
Hunker Movement Applies the "Hunkered" status effect. Hunkered characters have a 6+ cover and a +1 minimum roll for physis, attacks and skills.
Aim Combat Reduces the minimum roll for critical hits by 1 per action. This is not possible when using burst mode. The aim bonus is lost when the character is hit.
Lineage: Yadosia 0
Charm +2
Education +1
Peformance +2
Heraldry +1
Occupation: Paladin 12

Religious: You are religious, believe in your deity and also actively defend your faith. You may perform invocations of all kinds.

Allows to perform the acts of a priest.

Resistance +2
Endurance +2
Religion +3
Hand to Hand Combat +2
Heraldry +1
Occupation: Boxer 8
Quickness +1
Endurance +2
Quickness +1
Hand to Hand Combat +2
Interests: Reading 5
Conscientiousness +1
Reading/Writing +2
Interests: Strength training 3
Strength +1
Interests: Esotericism 5
Destiny dice +1
Logic -2
Deception +1
Intimidation +1
Stealth +1
Character: Justice Fanatic 1

The character is a militant justice fanatic. If he experiences a situation in the game that he feels is unjust, he can hardly control himself.

Empathy +1
Character: Faithful 5

The character is especially devout. All effects performed on him by clerics of the same alignment have double the effect. Clerics with this gift also receive more favor points when they perform a ceremonial service.

Character: Naive -3

Naive: Your character is naive. He sometimes believes too much in the good in people. Whenever the character doubts the statements or intentions of NPCs, the game master can have him roll for logic. If the roll fails, the character believes the NPC.

Character: Accommodating 4
Charm +1
Communication +1
Character: Rational 3
Logic +1
Character: Modest 4
Willpower +1
Conscientiousness +1
Talent: Dash 6

Whenever the character uses the "Run" action in combat, he may make an acrobatic throw to advance further meters. If this roll succeeds, he may move further than his running range according to the successes.

If the roll is unsuccessful, the character stumbles and is considered to be prone. He must spend one action to get back on his feet or into the Hunkered stance.

Quickness +1
Talent: First Aid 4
First Aid +2

Our real enemy is not our neighboring country; it's hunger, cold, poverty, ignorance, superstition and prejudice.
- Henry Dunant

Talent: Trained sword arm 5
Strength +2
Hand to Hand Combat +1

"Nur hartes Training und unbändige Disziplin sorgen für Tod und Verderben in einem flüssigen Streich"

Talent: Medicine 5
First Aid +1
Medical science +2
Talent: Skilled Fighter 10
Actions +1

Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.
- Joe Lewis

Talent: Photographic Memory 6
Logic +1
Perception +1
Orientation +2