After Ce-Nya, Dilae is the most mysterious of the Titans. She serves Nadal in the sense of magic, and her temples, like those of Nadal, are more like libraries than ceremonial Places. Their servants are probably the strangest beings found in the world. The bolts come in every conceivable guise and are unpredictable in their ways. Dilae commands magic and is the patron titan of the gifted.
Hidden in the deep mountains of the West lies that plain which was to be the last refuge of the Demons in the Second Age, before Ginae's body covered the unspeakable maw that Dhas'Garyll had torn open among the Demons. Hidden both from the eyes of the fledgling human cultures and from the knowledge of the Atiarel and Fraxut who populated vast swathes of land at that time. Only the Morgalas were sad witnesses to this expulsion, as they were to be enslaved by Wisgu at the same time.
The sources of elemental magic are the elements and Plants of Tirakan itself. Elemental magic spells are often only possible if the elementalist has a small amount of the element with them or nearby. Elemental magic is cast by druids, elementalists and rangers, among others. Elemental magic is cast by nature-loving mages, but is also popular with more academically trained mages.