Speaking curses is a wide-ranging field. Curses are either spoken directly or delivered via living beings and have a direct influence on a person or an area. Only witches/witch doctors can cast curses.
5 Blood - Transmutation
The caster must cast the curse while touching the victim.
Shortly after the cursing, the victim starts to feel the first effects. The cursed person feels weakened, which, in addition to the unpleasant feeling, is manifested in the reduction of the values for strength, willpower, reaction, speed and perception by 1.
As long as the curse is active, these values decrease every day by another point. If one of the attributes reaches the value 0, the victim becomes bedridden and can no longer get up by himself.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power years (Needs concentration)
5 Mind - Control
The caster must cast the curse while touching the victim.
The victim panics and thinks only of escape for the next 2d6 minutes. The victim escapes the curse with a successful Courage roll. The minimum roll for this is increased by the spell's power.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: 2d6 minutes
Drying out
5 Blood - Transmutation
The caster must cast the curse while touching the victim.
The victim loses 5% of his body fluid every day. By ingesting fluid, he can slow down the effect to 3%, but not completely prevent it. After the cursed person has lost 20% of his body fluid, one can already see the first signs of the deficiency. The skin becomes drier, the first sores appear. At 40%, the cursed is already weakened to the point that all attribute values are halved. From a fluid loss of 70% (now the skin seems to resemble a dry piece of leather) it is hardly possible for the cursed to stand up. Everything around him becomes blurred, and he has no way to take care of himself. Only when all liquid has escaped from the body, the cursed dies. Until that time, the fox keeps him alive.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power years
Curse of the mind
5 Blood - Damage Ritual
The caster must cast the curse while writing the victim's name on a piece of paper or parchment.
The caster enters a trance-like state in which he bleeds the preferably stunned victim. The curse is transferred to the one whose name is written on the paper and on whom the caster has focused his hatred. After that, the caster falls into a swoon that turns into a restless sleep.
The victim bleeds from all pores as long as the curse lasts. Blood leaks from his eyes and nose, and the victim takes 1d6 wounds per day.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Strength
Range: 40
Shape: -
Actions: 10
Duration: Power months (Needs concentration)
Paralysis of self
5 Mind - Control
The caster must speak the curse while touching the victim.
The victim's tongue and limbs feel heavy and do not want to do their job properly. All physical attributes except Resistance are reduced by 1 with all consequences. The curse lasts power hours.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power hours
Madaeus flu
5 Blood - Transmutation
The caster must speak the curse while touching the victim.
The victim falls ill with Madeus flu the next day. Throat and pharyngeal complaints, in addition to a slight fever and coughing irritations characterize the clinical picture. The victim remains sick until he is either magically cured or at least two other people are naturally infected. The flu is never fatal, but it is perceived as an annoying, unpleasant nuisance. The "contagion rate" is 10% per day of stay in the company of a cursed person.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 3
Duration: Instant
Bad luck
5 Mind - Control
The caster must speak the curse while touching the victim.
The victim of the curse receives a "bad luck" value equal to the strength of the spell for the duration of the curse.
The victim, after making a roll for their actions, must roll on the "bad luck" value. If the "bad luck" roll shows a success, the action fails.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power hours
Self blame
5 Mind - Control
The caster must speak the curse while touching the victim.
The victim does not feel the curse until he makes the first strike/shot against any target.
The damage caused to a target by a hit from the cursed one comes back to him 1 to 1, he suffers the same hits as the attacked one. The curse lasts one attack from the cursed.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Shura's madness
5 Mind - Control
The caster must speak the curse while touching the victim.
The victim is immediately seized by panic. The only thought that can be held for the next 4d6 seconds is "GET AWAY HERE". However, the fear can be shaken off by a test of willpower. The minimum roll of this trial is increased by the strength of the spell.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 4d6 seconds