Nyphen - The Lord of the Cold Death

Nyphen, the accursed lord of ice and cold death, is a crystalline, deep blue figure with thousands of thorns and spikes. The giant, ice-cold entity is accompanied by Lhuu and Baarhai, black, toad-shaped demons. Their spikes, shot from the body, tear terrible wounds that never heal.

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Nyphen - The Lord of the Cold Death Nyphen - The Lord of the Cold Death
Frostbite Touch (6): For 10 minutes, the priest channels Nyphen's icy essence through his hands. A successful melee touch deals 1d6 additional cold hits and halves the target's movement for 1 minute. During this time, the priest's resistance to fire is reduced, and the minimum roll for a fire resistance check is increased by 1.
Nyphen’s Chilling Herald (6): At the priest's request, Nyphen will manifest a Rauhnacht Elf - an ethereal figure sculpted from frost and shadow. It moves with silent grace, performing tasks or haunting the priest's enemies for up to 1 hour. Anyone who comes into contact with this frozen being is overcome by an unnatural chill, freezing them for 1 minute unless they are protected from the cold's embrace. The priest need only keep his faith; the elf exists only as long as Nyphen wills it.
Frozen Dominion (18): Nyphen unleashes his wrath, blanketing a 30 meter radius in unrelenting frost for 1 hour. Ice and snow claim the land, rendering the ground treacherous and cold winds biting deep into all life within. Creatures tied to warmth or life falter, suffering 2d6 hits of cold damage and finding their footing nearly impossible, increasing the minimum roll for deftness checks by 2. The priest, shielded by Nyphen’s favor, walks unharmed. Yet, such divine intervention comes with a cost, leaving the priest physically drained, increasing their minimum roll for physical checks by 2 for 24 hours.
Frostbite Touch (6): For 10 minutes, the priest channels Nyphen's icy essence through his hands. A successful melee touch deals 1d6 additional cold hits and halves the target's movement for 1 minute. During this time, the priest's resistance to fire is reduced, and the minimum roll for a fire resistance check is increased by 1.
Nyphen’s Chilling Herald (6): At the priest's request, Nyphen will manifest a Rauhnacht Elf - an ethereal figure sculpted from frost and shadow. It moves with silent grace, performing tasks or haunting the priest's enemies for up to 1 hour. Anyone who comes into contact with this frozen being is overcome by an unnatural chill, freezing them for 1 minute unless they are protected from the cold's embrace. The priest need only keep his faith; the elf exists only as long as Nyphen wills it.
Frozen Dominion (18): Nyphen unleashes his wrath, blanketing a 30 meter radius in unrelenting frost for 1 hour. Ice and snow claim the land, rendering the ground treacherous and cold winds biting deep into all life within. Creatures tied to warmth or life falter, suffering 2d6 hits of cold damage and finding their footing nearly impossible, increasing the minimum roll for deftness checks by 2. The priest, shielded by Nyphen’s favor, walks unharmed. Yet, such divine intervention comes with a cost, leaving the priest physically drained, increasing their minimum roll for physical checks by 2 for 24 hours.

Nyphen, the accursed lord of ice and cold death, is a crystalline, deep blue figure with thousands of thorns and spikes. The giant, ice-cold entity is accompanied by Lhuu and Baarhai, black, toad-shaped demons. Their spikes, shot from the body, tear terrible wounds that never heal. Sigille Nyphen During the 6 days around the winter solstice, Nyphen also gives birth to snowflakes which turn into white elf-like figures on the ground. These creatures are wonderful to look at, but if a living being should touch these so-called Rauhnachts-Elfen, he will turn into ice and at the first warmer rays of the sun he will turn into a puddle of water. The Elves who live in the cold countries consider these Rauhnachts Elves to be the souls of their people who have died from the cold.

Among the human tribes in the north of Tirakan, Nyphen often seems to have an almost god-like status, for some of the shamans and mages there make him merciful by sacrificing people and livestock to escape the harsh winters. These pactiers can supposedly also turn their opponents into ice themselves, as well as summon Nyphen's servant beings, and are impervious to even the iciest cold. But serving the cursed Lord of Ice also comes at a price. As soon as it goes to warmer climes, those unscrupulous mages cannot survive. The ice has become such a part of them that they would literally melt.