Lothcam - The cursed master of shadows

Lothcam, the ruler of shadows and shadow creatures, takes the form of a giant amoeba or worm. His servants are Thurgroth and Brasho. Lothcam follows his own plan. He wants nothing more than to rule over all of Tirakan.

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Lothcam - The cursed master of shadows Lothcam - The cursed master of shadows
Veil of Darkness (5): Lothcam cloaks the priest in a shroud of shadow for 10 minutes, making him nearly invisible in low light or darkness. This cloak gives the priest 3 bonus dice on Stealth checks. However, the pervasive darkness impairs the priest's vision, increasing the minimum roll on Perception checks by 1 during this period.
Summon Thurgroth and Brasho (8): At the priest's invocation, Lothcam dispatches his shadowy servants, Thurgroth and Brasho, to a target within 20 meters. These entities harass the target, disrupting their actions and causing minor injuries for up to 1 hour. Maintaining this connection requires the priest's concentration, and any lapse will cause the companions to vanish.
Shadow Dominion (15): Lothcam extends his influence to a 15m radius, plunging the area into supernatural darkness for 1 hour. All creatures in the area, except the priest, are blinded and have their minimum roll on all checks increased by 2 due to the oppressive shadows. The priest gains the ability to see through the darkness and moves through it effortlessly. After the effect wears off, the priest experiences persistent disorientation, increasing his minimum roll on orientation related checks by 2 for the next 24 hours.
Veil of Darkness (5): Lothcam cloaks the priest in a shroud of shadow for 10 minutes, making him nearly invisible in low light or darkness. This cloak gives the priest 3 bonus dice on Stealth checks. However, the pervasive darkness impairs the priest's vision, increasing the minimum roll on Perception checks by 1 during this period.
Summon Thurgroth and Brasho (8): At the priest's invocation, Lothcam dispatches his shadowy servants, Thurgroth and Brasho, to a target within 20 meters. These entities harass the target, disrupting their actions and causing minor injuries for up to 1 hour. Maintaining this connection requires the priest's concentration, and any lapse will cause the companions to vanish.
Shadow Dominion (15): Lothcam extends his influence to a 15m radius, plunging the area into supernatural darkness for 1 hour. All creatures in the area, except the priest, are blinded and have their minimum roll on all checks increased by 2 due to the oppressive shadows. The priest gains the ability to see through the darkness and moves through it effortlessly. After the effect wears off, the priest experiences persistent disorientation, increasing his minimum roll on orientation related checks by 2 for the next 24 hours.

Lothcam, the ruler of shadows and shadow creatures, takes the form of a giant amoeba or worm. His servants are Thurgroth and Brasho. Lothcam follows his own plan. He wants nothing more than to rule over all of Tirakan.

Sigille Lothcam

The history of Tirakan shows his constant appearance, also through envoys who intervene in the fate of the world in human form. One of these envoys is even said to be Lothcam himself. No one knows why the other Demons let him go, even though his plans endanger their power. His lower servants are all abominations of the shadow world which endanger Tirakan even more than the lizards or Minotaurs ever could. But there are also mages who deny Lothcam power over that shadow world and portray him as the victim of an even greater conspiracy. This theory, however, is dismissed as nonsense by almost all the coriphae in the field of demonology.