Hirrukh - The One Who Holds the Wheel of Creation in His Hands

The goblins of the Ash-Ta-Khi worship the god-being Hirrukh, who in their eyes holds the wheel of creation in his hands. Hirrukh is worshipped differently by the various clans, sometimes as a healer and life-giver, sometimes as a fierce warrior or vengeful destroyer.

Hirrukh - The One Who Holds the Wheel of Creation in His Hands Hirrukh - The One Who Holds the Wheel of Creation in His Hands

The goblins of the Ash-Ta-Khi worship the god-being Hirrukh, who in their eyes holds the wheel of creation in his hands. Hirrukh is worshipped differently by the various clans, sometimes as a healer and life-giver, sometimes as a fierce warrior or vengeful destroyer.