Chronar's blessing

This butterfly, known as Chronar's Blessing, is very rare on Tirakan. It is said to land at night on the heads of the seriously ill or wounded, heal them or accompany them into the realm of the dead to relieve their pain.

Profile image
Chronar's blessing Chronar's blessing


Magical Being
Wounds: 1
Protection: 0
Arcana: 0
Actions: 2
Minimum Roll: 5
Movement: 2m
Perception: 2
Quickness: 1
Resistances: -
Weaknesses: -


Magical Being
Wounds: 1
Protection: 0
Arcana: 0
Actions: 2
Minimum Roll: 5
Movement: 2m
Perception: 2
Quickness: 1
Resistances: -
Weaknesses: -

This butterfly, known as Chronar's Blessing, is very rare on Tirakan. It is said to land at night on the heads of the seriously ill or wounded, heal them or accompany them into the realm of the dead to relieve their pain.

This is why many relatives ask for Chronar's blessing for their sick and describe the appearance of the butterfly as a miracle. According to church law, slaying this creature is considered a high form of blasphemy and can lead to a death sentence in some regions, especially in the later centuries.