Lesser: Anadal's fire (4): Anadal is able to bring fire into the world. The priest is able to start a fire without any other aids. The original hearth of flame can be up to faith level step tall
Lesser: Strength to the weak (6): The seraphim is able to strengthen the weak at the request of a priest. The priest can give Faith Level*2 points of Strength to a creature that has less than half its Wounds or a Strength of less than 2 and heal Faith Level Wounds. The Strength bonus lasts for Faith level days.
Higher: Aura of justice (18): The casting puts a divine aura on a certain person, which ensures that all wrongs caused by the person fall back on him/herself within a very short time. The aura lasts for faith level days.
Lesser: Anadal's fire (4): Anadal is able to bring fire into the world. The priest is able to start a fire without any other aids. The original hearth of flame can be up to faith level step tall
Lesser: Strength to the weak (6): The seraphim is able to strengthen the weak at the request of a priest. The priest can give Faith Level*2 points of Strength to a creature that has less than half its Wounds or a Strength of less than 2 and heal Faith Level Wounds. The Strength bonus lasts for Faith level days.
Higher: Aura of justice (18): The casting puts a divine aura on a certain person, which ensures that all wrongs caused by the person fall back on him/herself within a very short time. The aura lasts for faith level days.
"Stronger than any castle, protective as the mother of the child, Anadal's protection covers those who need and ask for it.... place yourselves in his arms and he will carry you." - Great Book of Consecrations, 1500 b. EC.
Anadal is described as a flaming figure whose fire-like mantle covers those who feel threatened or cannot defend themselves. Anadal is also called the Righteous One, who appears wherever others are harmed or when it is a matter of standing by the weak.