The third domain is the world of fire. This world is ruled by Gyral, also called Gyralph, with his terrible servants. Gyralph, a tall figure like a troll, wears the head of an eagle. In place of the beak are three long proboscises that reach down to the ground. Gyralph always seems to be on fire, his skin resembling glowing black ash with countless fiery wounds. His servants, Nugshu and Tulhu, resemble the griffins, but they wear four horns on their backs and the same burning skin as their master.
At the feet of Gyralph and Nugshu and Tulhu dance many small human-like creatures made of flame, the flaming deaths as they are often called. The demonologist can summon these to cause conflagrations and reduce any unblessed building to rubble within a short time. But Gyral can also give the demonologist the gift of becoming immune to fire. Thus it happened in 267 that the demonologist and murderer Arahan Ben Furion was able to escape unharmed from his funeral pyre until he was finally removed from the face of Tirakan by some priests a short time later. However, they reported that it was probably Gyral himself or his servant Nugshu who, out of dissatisfaction with the demonologist, had him burnt to a pile of ashes.